do you know the way to..
i've been so busy doing my hawai'i recap, uploading hawai'i photos, writing my catch up email to vin (its coming girl, i promise.. there's just soooo much to tell that it's taking a bit of time), catching up with friends (old and new, australian and hawai'ian) on msn and yahoo, and watching my 15th episose of laguna beach.. to do much else! its a bit sad.. i've been here in san jose since friday and i've spent most of it indoors. its just so good to lie down and rest and have nowhere to go though! holidays take so much out of you.
so i landed in san francisco on thursday night, totally unprepared for how cold it was there. i was much too used to the hawai'ian climate. i felt seriously lost coz i wasn't sure how the whole shuttle bus thing worked but i got to my hotel in the end. i then spent till 5am on my laptop enjoying wireless internet to the fullest. the worst bit? i was on hawai'ian time still.. and our usual sleeping time there was 4am. anyway, i woke up at 11.53am and had to "haul ass" to get to my 12pm shuttle in time.
a shuttle ride and a door-to-door van ride later i arrived at my apartment in san jose. its looooovely!! i likie. its clean and pretty and cozy and just plain nice. i can see myself living quite comfortably for the next 2 months. i did some grocery shopping not realising that a gallon of water and a box of laundry powder was going to weigh a ton on the walk back to the apartment. i miss driving!
today was my first day at the office. i liked that too. the commute downtown isn't bad at all and the office is so laid back (that's what happens when all managers and the CEO are in Sydney) so i had a really good day. oh and i also got my company cell phone and security pass today. yay. and i found out one of my friends from the Sydney office is arriving next week! she's stayed in san jose for 9 months over the last year or so, so i plan to bug her to take me everywhere as soon as she arrives. friends!!!! yay.
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