Wednesday, August 03, 2005

wait till you see my d...

i got home tonight and turned on the tv to see what was on mtv. i was just in time for the drop it like its hot video. so i'm lying here, rapping along (coz i'm thug like that), smiling and remeniscing on hawai'i last year... and then the song ended, and just guess what the next video was? WAIT (WHISPER SONG)! i was so happy.. so so happy :) it was funny how every second word had to be censored though. haha.

i miss hawai'i man. far out. today nix and i were joking about going back again. but no. we can't nix. we can't! (we'll just bring hawai'i to us.. and then to the GC haha)

today i came to the realisation that i work in a sort of ghetto. michelle and i took a walk up the block and walked past a man yelling at a sleeping woman on his shoulder, another man who was practically slamming his girlfriend into the bustop window, and a man rapping loudly to himself. both her and the UPS man tell me stories of transvestites and violent blind women and dealers and undercover cops. it really didn't seem that bad a few days ago.. i guess that's just what "downtown" is all about. at least i live in a nice area.

our friends are going to iraq tomorrow. or is texas for training first? well whichever, its a bit sad. i hope they stay safe over there.


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